Scrabbling with God: Playing Games and Finding Faith

Scrabbling with God: Playing Games and Finding Faith

Rather than striking me with a bolt of lighting for having doubts, God decided it’d be better to steal the thunder of our date night instead. Life wants to show us all something. No matter who you are or what you believe in, you can connect the coincidences in life to form meaning. Intuition, signs, and coincidences are not reserved for one specific religion, faith, or group of people to receive. The world is working to show all of us meaning in happenstance moments.

The Fever Dream Series: More than Coincidences, Something like a Dream

The Fever Dream Series: More than Coincidences, Something like a Dream

I have a duty while I’m here to tell you these stories where I looked closer at the chaos in my life and the world showed me meaning... in wildly unexpected ways. These moments saved my life, changed my perspective, and have completely shifted how I live on a daily basis. May these stories help you to look a little closer at the coincidences in your life and allow you to discover your own kind of meaning.

What Hair Extensions and Ireland Taught Me About Happiness

What Hair Extensions and Ireland Taught Me About Happiness

As we came down for landing in Ireland, I saw that the grass was greener on the other side.  In a journal used to document my trip I described the hills in Ireland as “a color green I didn’t know existed.” Imagine the nicest lawn you’ve ever seen, then imagine someone turning up the vibrance [...]

Why I Don’t Diet.

Why I Don’t Diet.

Everybody has a story and there is something to be learned in every experience. Use your life as a class. Oprah Winfrey This year I get to celebrate 5 years without an eating disorder. I cycled through Binge Eating Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, and Bulimia Nervosa from the time I was in sixth grade until sophomore [...]